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The Tell-All book revealing the secrets about natural hair. This Manual is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve and maintain beautiful healthy natural hair.

HairAfare Care Manual

  • The Tell-All book revealing the secrets about natural hair. This Manual is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve and maintain beautiful healthy natural hair.

    HairAfare Care Manual for Natural hair is a step by step guide of everything you need to know if you are "going natural" or transitioning to natural hair. Let's face it, choosing to go natural can be a journey in itself. This book lays out the myths about natural hair, breaks down the basics and the natural hair terms, shows you different options to help you on your transition, provides you with DIY recipes so you can "mix it up in the comfort of your own home, and even gives you tips on how to maintain your natural do. Any questions when considering going natural? Your in the right spot!

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